Due to the offshore industry’s growing demand, seaExpert now has a support service for these kind of operations providing professionals to work as Fisheries Liaison Officer (FLO).
Placing together the vast and diversified experience in coastal and long distance fisheries to this sector’s highly qualified set of professionals, seaExpert considers that owns all the necessary conditions to fulfill this service strictly, professionally and on time. This way, seaExpert ensures a service done by highly skilled professionals working alone or in team, with a large domain of the specific fishing linguistic and operations, with the ability to communicate, anticipate and resolve possible conflicts between local fishing agents. At the same time and accordingly with the operation protocols, these FLO are able to write reports (pre-operational, daily, weekly and final) in the proper setup.
Besides all the on board security equipment, the FLO will have all the necessary documents about the fishing communities that can operate in fishing boats susceptible to be intercepted by the prospection ship’s scanning transect. These documents may include fishing communities’ size and location, fishing gear used, traditional fishing boats identification, fishing activity profile (nighttime, daytime, permanent, rotational, random, etc.), local societies’ contacts (if existent), vessel’s main communication channels, nighttime signage local codes, among other fishing specifications.
1. Sea Radio Operator (VHF-MF-HF);
2. Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (BOSIET), with Minimum Industry Safety Training (MIST), Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET), Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) and Helicopter Underwater Escape Breathing Apparatus (HUEBA) OPITO approved;
3. Offshore regime medical certificate OGUK;;
4. Graduation, or higher education level, in Marine Biology or similar areas.
1. Knowledge about fishing and offshore industry operational procedures;
2. Practical knowledge about seismic prospection programs including vessels, equipment and operational routes;
3. Ability to effectively initiate and maintain the communication channels with the fishing communities, crew and client representatives on board during Sea operations;
4. Offshore communication systems proficiency (radio, satellite phones).

Use of Fisheries Observers with vast experience in fishery operations to work as FLO in offshore operations, including seismic prospection, structure construction and renewable energies. These communication and fishery counseling services can sometimes be executed ashore.
FLO are placed in permanent communication with the fishing vessels and the clients, using their local knowledge and vast experience in fishing operations to encourage cooperation and ensure efficiency and absence of mishaps during the operations. The service they provide is essential where the fishing activity is high, reducing possible disturbances between the client’s and other fishing vessels. The same way, they can collect data about stationary fishing apparatus, reporting them to whom is fishing in those areas. By determining those apparatus location, quantity and dimension, it will be easier to prevent the possible apparatus intertwining, damage and time losses.