Varadouro 21 (5)222

Mission, Vision and Values


Provide the best certified natural products and science oriented services while managing our hypocrisy with knowledge and a strong social and environmental responsibility.


Be a leading company and a prime example of sustainability and innovation in the Blue Economy.


In accordance with national regulation, all seaExpert’s workers receive at least the minimum legal wage and any additional income for eventual overtime hours.

seaExpert apply responsible recruitment practices within their business operations that comply with industry and international standards.

There is a proper safety and health management system audited by a third-party company that, together with all employees, prevents the occurrence of work-related illnesses and injuries. Additionally, the same plan ensures the access to excellent work conditions in order to promote worker productivity and the maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment.

According to the current National Labour Code, it is strictly forbidden the use of child or forced labor in any kind of operations or facilities, which is also strongly rejected by seaExpert under its internal code of conduct.

seaExpert strives to create an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and respected because of their difference, allowing every employee to be themselves, so they can reach their full potential. All forms of discrimination based on gender, sex, creed, skin colour, origin, physical or psychological limitation, social status or any other features will not be tolerated under any circumstance inside seaExpert.

Any kind of bribes, favours, gifts or illegal gratuities to and from seaExpert’s workers involving any public or private entities’ collaborators are not accepted under any pretext.

Under the National Competition Law and the European Union Competition Policy, seaExpert does not and will never own any stocks or investments in any kind of private monopolies that apply restrictions on transactions, such as cartels.

seaExpert fully and clearly accepts whistle-blowing and complaints submission from any of its employees. These can be submitted anonymously by e-mail through 10-Minute Mail web tool, which innhibits any kind of tracking and offers e-mail point to point encryption. 10-Minute Mail, which innhibits any kind of tracking and offers e-mail point to point encryption.